Giulia bonelli


Freelance journalist and communication consultant I am a freelance science journalist and communication consultant. passionate about public engagement, I love digging into the world of engaged (science) journalism. with formicablu, I focus on the communication of EU projects, media training, and participatory methods. I regularly write about space exploration for Global Science, the magazine of…

Nicola Nosengo

Scientific Journalist member of formicablu. editor of Nature Italy. contributing journalist for several newspapers at international and national level and communicator for national research institutions, such as ASI, and international ones, such as EPFL in Lausanne, where he worked on robotics and artificial intelligence. author of four popular science books and several television programs for…

Lisa Lazzarato

Associate and scientific journalist I came to scientific communication with a Master at Sissa in Trieste, but the idea was buzzing in my head since I was a student in biology. I am passionate about information research, the digital world, the synthesis of concepts and messages. in this team, I manage multimedia productions, communication of…

Angela Simone

Scientific Journalist member of formicablu. journalist, science communicator and expert in citizen engagement on research and innovation issues and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). expert evaluator for the European Commission on science and society issues, served on the jury (Citizen Science section) of the “Public Engagement with Research” Award sponsored by the European Research Council.…

Marco boscolo

Scientific Journalist passionate about history and philosophy of science, I began my journey by collaborating with PiGreco Party on Radio Città del Capo in Bologna. since then I have always cultivated journalism and science communication in parallel. I enjoy working with data, discovering new things and traveling. for formicablu I coordinate communication projects, I provide…

Elisabetta Tola

founder and CEO

Scientific Journalist science and data journalist, Ph.D in Microbiology. Tow-Knight fellow 2019, CUNY. chief editor at Il Bo Live. presenter at RAI Radio3Scienza. author of “Driving scientific research into journalistic reporting” (EFI, 2018) and “Making sense of science stats” at the KSJ Science Editing Handbook, 2020. co-author of “Semi ritrovati – un viaggio alla scoperta…

Francesca Conti


President and scientific journalist professional journalist and president of the science communication agency formicablu, has a bachelor’s degree in biology and a master’s degree in science communication. has extensive experience in both management and development of communication strategies and products. she is involved in: development and application of participatory methods, training activities for scientists and…